Tacoma Rail served transloads reloads and warehouses

Bulk transfer

Tacoma Rail works with a number of companies located along our lines to provide opportunities for non-rail served customers to take advantage of the economics of long haul rail freight transportation.

These companies can handle almost any product and provide services that make shipping or receiving materials by rail easy.

Contact a company listed below to find out how they can help improve your transportation and distribution.


Auto Warehousing Company, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Ben Seher (253) 922-0540 bens@autowc.com
Capabilities: Finished vehicles
Website: http://www.autowc.com/

Carlile Transportation Systems, Tacoma, WA
Location: Tacoma
Contact: Frank Thall (253) 238-8326 fthall@carlile.biz
Capabilities: Breakbulk, heavy and dimensional loads, warehousing, container stuffing
Website: https://www.carlile.biz/

DandB Trucking, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Mickey Gridley (253) 383-3860 mickey@dandbtrucking.com
Capabilities: Breakbulk, warehousing, container stuffing
Website: http://www.dandbtrucking.com/

Holroyd Recycle South, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Tony McMahan (253) 473-1428 tony@holroyd.biz
Capabilities: Dry bulk

MacMillan-Piper Company, Tacoma, WA (2 locations)
Contact: Danielle Adams (206) 730-1176 sales@macpiper.com
Capabilities: Dry bulk and breakbulk, refrigerated transloads, dimensional loads, lumber and building material, warehousing, container stuffing
Website: http://www.macpiper.com

Pacific Northwest Terminal, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Craig Lester (253) 272-1187 clester@pnwtinc.com
Capabilities: Liquid bulk- non-hazardous, non-food grade, tank storage, rail, truck and water
Website: http://pnwtinc.com/

Parr Lumber, Frederickson, WA
Contact: Mike Kruse (253) 875-8005 michaelk@parr.com
Capabilities: Lumber and building products
Website: https://plc.parr.com/locations/tacoma-washington-lumber/

PCC Logistics, Tacoma, WA (3 locations)
Contact: Jason Disney (253) 572-9797 Tac18@pcc.cc
Capabilities: Dry bulk and break bulk, refrigerated, food grade, container stuffing, transloading, warehousing
Website: http://www.pcclogistics.com/locations/

Plastic Express, Tacoma, WA
Erik Gabrielson (253) 922-7448 x351 Erik.Gabreilson@plasticexpress.com
Capabilities: Dry bulk plastic
Website: http://www.plasticexpress.com/

Lineage Logistics, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Jason Daniel (253) 272-0900 JDaniel@lineagelogistics.com
Capabilities: Breakbulk, warehousing- frozen and refrigerated, container stuffing
Website: https://www.lineagelogistics.com/facilities/tacoma

Targa Sound Terminal, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Troy Goodman (253) 272-9348 tgoodman@targaresources.com
Capabilities: Liquid bulk – hazardous, petroleum products, tank storage, rail, truck and water

TE Walrath, Frederickson, WA & South Tacoma
Contact: Tom Walrath (253) 531-7499 x105 tom@tewalrath.com
Capabilities: Dry bulk, bulk materials
Website: http://www.tewalrath.com/

Tri-Pak South Tacoma & Tacoma, WA
Contact: Cory Sonnen (253) 627-8008 cory@tripakreload.com
Capabilities: Bulk and breakbulk, warehousing, container stuffing

Truck-Rail Handling/Quality Transportation, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Colleen Bottassi (253) 383-1009 x108 cbottassi@qatp-trh.com
Capabilities: Liquid and dry bulk
Website: http://qatp-trh.com/

United Motor Freight, Tacoma, WA
Contact: Shelly West (206) 933-0515 shellyw@unitedmotorfreight.com
Capabilities: Dimensional, breakbulk, heavy lift
Website: http://www.unitedmotorfreight.com/

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